
Yoshiku Logo

Text to Speech Online Service!

* Some features only available for authenticated user. Sign In here

Pricing Examples

ExampleText LengthSpeech DurationNeural TTS Cost
Normal youtube video~2.5k characters~3.5 min$0.25
Average email message~3.1k characters~4 min$0.31
Typical news article~6.5k characters~9 min$0.65
Storytelling with highlightext text for children~10k characters~14 min$1.00
Animated video
  • Average length of a single narration text: 100 characters
  • Number of narration texts per animated production: 25
~2.5k characters~3.5 min$0.25
Custom case
  • Number requests: 10
  • Average length of a single request: 500 characters
~5k characters~7 min$0.50


With Yoshiku, there are no setup costs or upfront payments. Everyone can start small and scale up as your project grows.

You only pay for what you use, Yoshiku will charge based on the number of characters of text that you convert to speech.

The Standard service are priced at $1 per 10,000 characters for speech.